Counselling and Consultation Services
On-line services available

Counselling and Consultation Services
On-line services available
I began my own journey into this field with a deep interest in trauma and spent 10 years volunteering with Victim Services before begin working in the field of youth work, then into Addiction and Mental Health in 2001. Throughout my experience, I have had the honour of working with victims, offenders, youth and adults. Through a private practice (since 2011), I have also had the pleasure of providing numerous trainings and workshops around the area of trauma and vicarious trauma (from 1 hour to 2 days). I am trained in numerous modalities as I find that one approach does not meet the needs of all trauma survivors. I am registered as a Licensed Clinical Social Worker.
Unlike many people in private practice, my practice focuses specifically on supporting people to heal from trauma and trauma related experiences. I have also begun to offer consultation groups around specific approaches: EMDR and NMT. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions!
When we think of "trauma", many of us often think of significant events that cause difficulties with coping. However, the experience of trauma is much more than an event. The experience of abuse, neglect or living with prolonged exposure to stress can have a significant impact on physical, emotional and spiritual health. There are now numerous resources to promote healing. I have been trained in EMDR (consultant), Prolonged Exposure, Play Therapy, and NMT - which are all valuable trainings in approaching and working with trauma across the lifespan. Certification in EMDR includes a dedication to on-going training in this approach. NMT (neurosequential model of therapeutics) is a way of understanding trauma and the way it impacts a person as a whole - including brain development. I am also a trainer in this approach as I believe it is critical to continue learning to meet the needs of complex issues.
I would encourage you to explore resources - and if needed, find a practitioner that is suitable for you.
The Neurosequential Network acknowledges that Tracy Harvey has completed NMT Training Certification through the Phase II level.
The clinical services I provide include:
If you have any questions about these services, don't hesitate to contact me. Consultation, supervision and training can be tailored to meet your individual or group's specific needs.
My office is located within Refresh Centre for Health & Wellness.
Refresh Centre for Health & Wellness (owned and operated by Trauma Therapy Solutions) is proud to sponsor the Chinook Child Advocacy Centre in Lethbridge.
The Chinook Child Advocacy Centre is dedicated dedicated to giving children and youth who have experience sexual, emotional, and/or physical abuse or severe neglect, a safe space to share their story and receive the support and resources they need throughout the entire disclosure, investigation, and judicial process.
Refresh Centre for Health & Wellness collects new stuffed toys to support children and families facing difficult times.
To learn more or donate:
Click on a file to download.
fact sheet for parents (pdf)
Downloadnewsletter 2 - Non-Direct Trauma Exposure (pdf)
DownloadNewsletter 3 - Children and Trauma (pdf)
DownloadNewsletter 4 - Anxiety in Uncertain Times (pdf)
DownloadNewsletter 5 - suggestions for survivors of trauma (pdf)
DownloadNewsletter 6 - Moral Injury (pdf)
DownloadNewsletter 7 - STS (pdf)
DownloadNewsletter 8 - parenting dysregulated children (pdf)
DownloadNewsletter 9 - 16 days of Activism to end Gender Related Violence (pdf)
DownloadChild trauma-Caregivers-Fact-Sheet (pdf)
DownloadSign up to hear from us about great resources and upcoming events.
13, 495 W T Hill Boulevard S, Lethbridge, Alberta T1J 1Y6, Canada
By Appointment Only